All coupons must be redeemed for a ticket before coming to the park.
Redeeming your coupon code for a booking is super easy!
1. Go to our coupon/voucher redemption page
2. Enter your voucher code (copy and paste from the voucher email to prevent common mix ups with O & 0, 5 & S).
3. Enter the booking holder details
4. Real Time Booking Systems will email you a Rainbow's End ticket. Check your spam folder if it doesn't arrive
5. No need to print - ticket open for scanning on your phone at gate is fine.

Bookings made using deal coupons are subject to the same conditions of entry terms as all Rainbow's End ticketing. In addition;
· Activity that exposes vouchers/coupons to fraud risk such as third party promotions or on-selling may result in voucher/coupon cancellation.
· Grab One vouchers/coupons may also not be refunded or exchanged for cash. In exceptional circumstances where a voucher/coupon refund is approved with GrabOne, the refund may be less booking fees, and will be processed by GrabOne. GrabOne may choose to issue a credit rather than a refund.
· Grab One vouchers/coupons are sold with specific time and session type conditions with no extensions outside of the advertised period possible.
· Coupons for limited time special events such as Twilight Rides and Night Rides book up fast so please book early to secure the date you want to visit.