UPDATE: TERM 1 2025 OPEN 4 Days a week : Friday-Monday Read more

Playlab Café is the perfect place to refuel and relax in-between games!

Playlab Cafe  is our allergen and cultural friendly dining zone, with a selection of cabinet and menu options prepared without common allergy ingredients.

Playlab's cabinet selection changes daily with salads, sandwiches, quiches, frittata, toasted sandwiches, sweet slices, pies, sausage rolls, wraps and croissants. 

The made to order  cooked  menu includes steak and onion rolls, nachos, gourmet burgers, loaded wedges, and Kiwi favourite fish and chips.

Beverages include espresso coffee, frappes, milkshakes, frozen and fizzy beverages, energy drinks, Barista Bros. iced coffee and chocolate.

Playlab Cafe 690X370 Web
Rainbow Playlab Logo On White
Playlab Cafe

Have questions? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us
Phone: 092622030
Email: [email protected]

Rules of good gaming at Playlab
•No bags (lockers on site)
•No swearing or shouting – no matter how heated the play gets!
•Drinks & snacks in the café zone only